Christopher W. Geib

In Absentia Lucis Tenebrae Vincunt

About me:

Present: I am a Principal Scientist at Charles River Analytics.

In the Past: (for increasing values of "past") I was a/an:

-- Research Fellow at SIFT LLC,

-- Associate Professor at Drexel University in Computer Science,

-- Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics (worked on the EU Xperience and PACO-PLUS projects),

-- Principal Research Scientist at Honeywell Labs, and in the distant past,

-- Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia in Computer Science.

My Research...

focuses on integrated represenations for both probabilistic plan recognition and planning. My current work is on the relationship between formal grammars, planning, plan recognition, reasoning, learning and search. I have applied my research in a number of application areas including: human computer teams, Theory of Mind, human computer interaction, discourse, computer network security, assistant systems for large scale process control, assistive technologies for elders, and even real, and virtual robots.


Conference Papers:

Kantharaju, P., Ontañón, S., Geib "microCCG, a CCG-based Game-Playing Agent for microRTS", Proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2018.

Geib, C., Kantharaju, P., "Learning Combinatory Categorial Grammars for Plan Recognition", Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2018, pp. 3007-3014, 2018.

Geib, C., Weerasinghe, J., Matskevich, S., Kantharaju, P., Petrick, R., and Craenen, B., "Building Helpful Virtual Agents Using Plan Recognition and Planning", Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) 2016, pp.162-168, 2016.

Tucker, F., Solovey, E., Geib, C., and Lee, F., Player Choices with Round Character Avatars, Proceedings of the Meaningful Play Conference 2016.

Geib, C., "Lexicalized Reasoning", Presented at the third annual conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, May 2015.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., " Recognizing Plans with Loops Represented in a Lexicalized Grammar",Proceedings of the twenty fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2011, pp. 958-963, 2011.

Geib, C., "Delaying Commitment in Plan Recognition Using Combinatory Categorial Grammars", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2009, 1702-1707, 2009.

Geib, C., Maraist, J., and Goldman, R., "A New Probabilistic Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on String Rewriting", Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2008, pp. 81-89, 2008.

Kraft, D., Baseski, E., M. Popovic, M., Batog, A., Kjaer-Nielsen, A., Kreuger, N., Petrick, R., Geib, C., Pugeault, N., Steedman, M., Asfour, T., Dillmann, R., Kalkan, S., Woergoetter, F., Hommel, B., Detry, R., and Piater, J., "Exploration and Planning in a Three-Level Cognitive Architecture", Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys) 2008, pp. 71-78, 2008.

Geib, C. and Steedman, M., "On Natural Language Processing and Plan Recognition", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2007, pp. 1612-1617, 2007.

Geib, C. "Assessing the Complexity of Plan Recognition", Proceedings of the 19th National Conference of the Amercan Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2004, pp. 507-512,  2004.

Haigh, K., Kiff, L., Myers, J., Guralnik, V., Geib, C., Phelps, J., and Wagner, T., "The Independent LifeStyle Assistant (I.L.S.A.): AI Lessons Learned", Proceedings of the conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) 2004, pp. 852-857, 2004.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Recognizing Plan/Goal Abandonment", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2003, pp. 1515-1517, 2003.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Requirements for Plan Recognition in Network Security Systems", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), 2002.

Haigh, K., Phelps, J., and Geib, C., "An Open Agent Architecture for Assisting Elder Independence", Proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) 2002, pp. 578-586, 2002.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Hostile Agents", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS) 2001, pp. 580-584, 2001.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Plan Recognition in Intrusion Detection Systems", `Proceedings of the Second DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX II), pp. 329-342, 2001.

Goldman, R., Heimerdinger, W., Harp, S., Geib, C., Thomas, Vic., and Carter, R., "Information Modeling for Intrusion Report Aggregation", Proceedings of the Second DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX II), pp. 46-55, 2001.

Goldman, R., Geib, C., and Miller, C., "A New Model of Plan Recognition", Proceedings of the fifteenth Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference (UAI) 1999, 245-254, 1999.

Boutilier, C., Brafman, R., and Geib, C., "Structured Reachability Analysis for Markov Decision Processes", Proceedings of the fourteenth Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference (UAI) 1998, pp. 24-32,1998.

Boutilier, C., Brafman, R., and Geib, C., "Prioritized Goal Decomposition of Markov Decision Processes: Toward a Synthesis of Classical and Decision Theoretic Planning", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 1997, pp. 1156-1162, 1997.

Workshop Papers:

Geib, C., Craenen, B., and Petrick, R., Combining Plan Recognition, Goal Reasoning, and Planning for Cooperative Task Behaviour, IJCAI 2016 Workshop on Goal Reasoning, July 2016.

Geib, C., Craenen, B., and Petrick, R., Generating Collaborative Behaviour through Plan Recognition and Planning, Proceedings for the ICAPS-16 Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning (DMAP), June 2016.

Geib, C., Craenen, B., and Petrick, R., "I Can Help! Cooperative Task Behaviour Through Plan Recognition and Planning", Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group (PLANSIG-2015), February 2016

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Handling Looping and Optional Actions in YAPPR", Procceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Plan Activity and Intent Recognition, 2010.

Geib, C., "Lexical Ambiguity and its Impact on Plan Recognition for Intrusion Dection", Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Secuirty, 2010.

Geib, C., "Toward Using Plan Recognition for Intrusion Detection", Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Intelligent Security, 2009.

Geib, C., "Using Lexicalized Grammars and Headedness for Approximate Plan Recognition", Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Plan Activity and Intent Recognition, 2007.

Geib, C., Mourao, K., Petrick, R.., Pugeault, N., Steedman, M., Krueger, N., and Woergoetter, F., "Object Action Complexes as and Interface for Planning and Robot Control", Proceedings of the Humanoids Workshop: Towards Cognitive Humanoid Robots, 2006.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Partial Observability and Probabilistic Plan/Goal Recognition", Proceeding of the IJCAI workshop on Modeling Others from Observations (MOO), 2005.

Geib, C. and Harp, S., "Empirical Analysis of a Probabilistic Task Tracking Algorithm", Workshop on Agent Tracking, Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (MOO), 2004.

Geib, C., "Problems with Intent Recognition for Elder Care", Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Automation as Caregiver, 2002.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "Partial Observability in Collaborative Task Tracking", Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium on Intent Inference for Collaborative Tasks, 2001.

Geib, C., Goldman, R., and Musliner, D., "Monte-Carlo Simulation for Automatic Synthesis of Verified Real-time Controllers", Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Model-Based Validation of Intelligence, 2001

Journal Articles:

Geib, C., "Lexicalized Reasoning about Actions", Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS), Vol 4, pp. 187-206, 2016.

Woergoetter, F., Geib, C., Tamosiunaite, M., Aksoy, E., Piater, J., Xiong, H., Ude, A., Nemec, B., Kraft, D., Krueger, N., Wachter, M., Asfour, T., "Structural bootstrapping - A novel, generative mechanism for faster and more effcient acquisition of action-knowledge",IEEE-Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 7(2):1-1, May 2015.

Krueger, N., Geib, C., Piater, J., Petrick, R., Steedman, M., Woergoetter, F., Ude, A., Asfour, T., Kraft, D., Omrcen, D., Agostini, A., Dillmann, R., "Object-Action Complexes: Grounded abstractions of sensory-motor processes", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 59(10), pp. 740-757, 2011.

Geib, C. and Goldman, R., "A Probabilistic Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on Plan Tree Grammars", Artificial Intelligence, Vol 173(11), pp. 1101-1132, 2009.

Krueger, V., Kragic, D., Ude, A., and Geib, C., "The Meaning of Action: A Review on action recognition and mapping", Advanced Robotics, Vol. 21, (13), pp. 1473-1501(29), 2007.

Webber, B., Badler, N., DiEugenio, B., Geib, C., Levison, L., and Moore, M., "Instructions, Intentions and Expectations", Artificial Intelligence special issue on Computational Research on Interaction and Agency, Agre, P. and Rosenschein, S. (eds), Vol. 73, 1995

Magazine Articles:

Geib, C., Swetenham, C., "Parallelizing Plan Recognition", AI Magazine Special Issue on Architectures for Activity Recognition and Context-aware Computing, Vol 36, Number 2, pp 22-32, 2015.

Geib, C., Agrawal, V., Sukthankar, G., Shastri, L., and Bui, H."Architectures for Activity Recognition and Context-Aware Computing", AI Magazine Special Issue on Architectures for Activity Recognition and Context-aware Computing, Vol 36, Number 2, pp 22-32, 2015.

Edited Volumes:

Geib, C., Agrawal, V., Sukthankar, G., Shastri, L., and Bui, H., (editors), AI Magazine Special Issue on Architectures for Activity Recognition and Context-aware Computing, Vol. 36, Number 2, 2015).

Sukthankar, G., Goldman, R., Geib, C., Pynadath, D., and Bui, H., (editors), Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition, Elsevier, 2014


Dekel-Mirsky, R., Keren, S., Geib, C., Introduction to Symbolic Plan and Goal Recognition, Morgan and Claypool, 2021

Book Chapters:

Geib, C., "Plan Recognition" in A. Kott and W. McEneaney (eds.), Adversarial Reasoning: Computational Approaches to Reading the Opponents Mind, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006

Webber, B., Badler, N., Baldwin, F.B., Becket, W., DiEugenio, B., Geib, C., Jung, M., Levison, L., Moore, M., White, M., "Doing What You're Told: Following Task Instructions in Changing, but Hospitable Environments", in Y. Wilks and N. Okada (eds.), Computer Language and Vision across the Pacific. Ablex Publishing, 1996

Badler, N., Webber, B., Becket, W., Geib, C., Moore, M., Pelachaud, C., Reich, B., and Stone, M., "Planning for Animation", in N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann (eds.), Interactive Computer Animation., pp. 235-262, Prentice Hall Publishing, 1996.

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